Friday, October 26, 2012

Civillery : Asbestos Dust Alert

Civillery Zone, we often see, the use of asbestos as roofing material (including my house). Apparently based on research, asbestos is hazardous to health because of the dust inhaled elements that will go into the lungs and can not dissolve and can kill cells in the lungs so that the risk of cancer. Because of this danger in some American and European countries, the use of asbestos has been banned from

What is asbestos?
Asbestos is a combination of six natural silicate mineral. Asbestos is commonly used as roof covering because it has advantages such as:

  • Cheap
  • Light weight
  • Heat-resistant, soundproof & waterproof
  • Easily obtained
Because of its "Wow" in the face of a variety of conditions, asbestos can be used also for heat insulation. There are two types of asbestos are asbestos waves (commonly used as a roof) and flat asbestos (commonly used as a ceiling).
Asbestos Causes

Asbestos dangers
Asbestos is composed of naturally occurring mineral fibers. But in reality, some types of fiber contained in the asbestos could harm humans. Asbestos fibers consist of a very thin, even thinner than a human hair. These fibers when inhaled lungs will not be released by the body. These fibers will settle quietly in the lungs, and gradually will bring a variety of diseases to humans.
Various diseases can arise because of the fiber in the lungs, such as asbestosis disease, Mesothelioma, to cancer.
Because of this danger, some states set specific regulations on the use of asbestos as a building material. In fact, the European Union banned the use of all types of asbestos, including the extraction, manufacture, until processing of asbestos products. Developed countries make laws about the use of asbestos, such as Australia, Brazil, Canada and many other countries. A complete list of state agencies that regulate the use of asbestos can be found at Wikipedia.

The fact
Warnings about the dangers of asbestos and regulations generally known by engineers, contractors, architects, and all who have been involved in construction projects. Unfortunately, a lot of ordinary people who do not know very well (some even did not know) the dangers of using asbestos. In the store building materials, asbestos is still sold freely. In other words, it is not difficult if we want to purchase and use of asbestos as a building material.

Are all dangerous asbestos?
In fact, asbestos bodily harm, if any damaged parts. Defective part will cause fibers that make up asbestos released into the air. Thin fibers floating in the air and inhaled that is harmful to humans.
In fact, we never cared if any part is damaged asbestos. Cutting asbestos asbestos while installing any damage, it means cutting asbestos causes asbestos fibers apart.

It pairs of asbestos, a Solution!!!
If you've already installed asbestos, here are the steps to minimize the dangers of asbestos dust:
  • Change, if it looks damaged. Replace 5 years, although there are damaged.
  • Use ceiling, to prevent the collapse of dust and asbestos fibers.
  • Make good ventilation, so that asbestos dust out of the house.
For those who have not put up asbestos, use alternatives such as clay tile, fiberglass, kalsiboard (cellulose fibers, silica, additives, cement, and water), zinc plasterboard (synthetic fibers, cellulose fibers, additive substances, cement, and water), and ardex (synthetic fibers, cellulose fibers, additive substances, cement, and water).

If you want to build a house, prioritizing health, comfort and safety for the occupants of the building. Use of environmentally friendly materials that are not harmful to health, especially penutu roofing materials and paint. Price of health far above the price of building materials.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Civillery : Tips on Choosing Ceramic

Civillery Zone, How are you the loyal readers of Civillery, this week we will share tips on choosing the right tile. As per the demand trends, the aesthetic value flooring gives a wonderful impression. The demand was met if we choose tiles with less precise, because everyone crave beautiful floor. In the market has a lot to offer various kinds of patterns, colors, sizes, and brands of ceramic products
Therefore, we must be careful in choosing a ceramic, which will result in cost overruns because of the ceramic must be regenerated. For example, the bathroom floor tiles, should we attach to the ceramic surface is rough, instead we put the tiles with a smooth surface, which causes the user's bathroom, be damned.

Ceramic Type
Classification of Products
Knowledge of the classification of the product is very important to understand. This is because the results of the installation must meet the goal or desired installation criteria. Several issues related to the classification of the product is physical appearance, character, quality, and price.

Physical appearance
Physical appearance is the beginning of a view that can be ascertained style and color that will be used. From the physical appearance, there are three classifications of ceramic tiles, decorative ceramic tiles, embossed ceramic tiles and plain ceramic tiles.

  • Decorative ceramic tiles the most popular today. Decorative ceramic tiles appeared on the market with a variety of motifs such as marble, wood, granite, and natural stone.
  • Embossed ceramic tile has an uneven surface generally installed outside or in the bathroom.
  • While ceramic tile plain or no style has a glossy surface sheen or without (doof).
Differences plain and embossed with more emphasis on the position, which is plain (plain) and embossed (uneven surface). The third difference was more emphasis on the position or location of the tile will be placed.

In general, ceramic tiles in the market is to the surface of the doof (not shiny or slippery) and shiny or slippery. For the generally smooth textured ceramics.

  • While the size of the tile is often found on the market are 5-10 mm thickness and size of the sides of 60 cm x 60 cm, 45 cm x 45 cm, 30 cm x 30 cm, and 20 cm x 20 cm (to the floor).
  • As for the size of the wall in general use 30 cm x 30 cm, 30 cm x 20 cm, LL 20 cm x 20 cm, and 20 cm x 10 cm.
At the time of going to choose the tiles to match the room that will be overlaid the accuracy in selecting the type of product will affect the appearance. There are three main factors that will shape the character of the ceramic tiles, the colors, patterns, and sizes. Bright colors, motif plain, and the large size will produce a broad view. While dark colors, motifs plain and patterned will produce an exclusive display. Ceramics with a rough surface and slippery making it more resistant to friction so it is very suitable placed in outer space or in a public place.

Product quality is highly dependent on the purity of the material is so associated with the quality standards of materials, density, and combustion products. In addition to these three factors, the other thing to note is that the surface is resistant to scratches and cracks, either the base or the top surface tiles. For example, plain tiles and doof are installed bathrooms will remain intact even when the brush is always exposed to the bathroom cleaned. In addition, the provision of glaze on the surface greatly affect the look, especially the physical appearance, and strengthen resistance to the charge on it and the water, unless the charge on it is very heavy or exceed the load.

Consumers are expected to be keen to choose the tiles. This is because in the market, the variety of products and prices vary. Some of the factors that affect the price of the color, size, patterns, and textures. All four of these factors can be used as a reference customer in choosing ceramics. Higher prices refer to darker colors, larger sizes, as well as more varied texture and pattern. Often found KW1 term, KW2 and KW3 in ceramics. The term KW1 is the best quality of the ceramic, while the ceramic KW2 and KW3 is contained defects like most uneven surfaces, uneven color, or other defects. This difference affects price.

Choosing Ceramic
  • Adjust the ceramic
  • Adjust the size of the space character
  • Do not choose the wrong motives
  • Choose the right color